IntelliEdit 1.0
IntelliEdit is a Rich Text Editor powered by smart autocompletion. It can autocomplete words and phrases, auto-expand shorthands. It can even learn new words and phrase while typing. IntelliEdit can tremendously boost your typing speed. IntelliEdit is based on a tab-page MDI interface. You can create, edit and print multiple RTF documents conveniently in IntelliEdit. IntelliEdit is slim in size and quick to load.
IntelliEdit: freeware, 900k
Smart Autocompletion
Click the first button (a red desktop light icon) on the toolbar to configure options Smart Autocompletion. You will see a popup configuration menu. Select the corresponding item to carry out proper functions like hotkey definition, library management, etc. For details, please refer to the manual on Smart Autocompletion.
Menu Functions
- File
- New: create a new document
- Open: open an existing document
- Close: close the active document
- Save: save the active document
- Save As: save the active document with a new name
- Print: print the active document
- Edit
- Cut: cut the selected text into clipboard
- Copy: copy the selected text into clipboard
- Paste: paste text from clipboard
- Find: find a specified string in active document
- Find Next: find the next occurrence of a specified string in active document
- Replace: replace text in the active document
- View
- Toolbar: toggle visibility of the toolbar
- Status bar: toggle visibility of the status bar
- Tab bar: toggle visibility of the tab bar
- Format
- Font: change font of the selected text
- Help
- Smart Autocompletion: manual on smart autocompletion
- Feedback: write feedback to author
- FlashPeak Website: visit FlashPeak website
- Online forum: visit FlashPeak online forum
- About: about intelliedit