Upload Clipboard Image / Paste Clipboard Image into Your Browser

There are many cases when you want to upload an image directly from clipboard (usually a quick screenshot) to a website. Usually, what you need do is to paste the image in the clipboard into an image editor such as Windows Paint, save it as an image file and then upload the image file via a standard file upload procedure. This certainly gets the job done but is a little tedious.

Upload clipboard image with Ctrl+V shortcut

Fortunately, with the support of clipboard API, pasting an image from clipboard into your favorite web app in Slimjet has never been easier. If the web app or site you are using also supports the clipboard API, you can simply press Ctrl+V to upload the image from the clipboard. Gmail, facebook, Google docs and Office 365 all have support for the clipboard API. We will give a few examples regarding how to do this.

  • Facebook
    Copy image into clipboard and press Ctrl+V within the status update box to upload the image.
  • Gmail
    Copy image into clipboard and press Ctrl+V within your email composer. The pasted image will become an inline image within your email.
  • Google docs
    Copy image into clipboard and press Ctrl+V within your document editor. The pasted image will become an inline image within your document.
  • Office 365 / Onedrive
    Copy image into clipboard and press Ctrl+V within your document editor. The pasted image will become an inline image within your document.

Upload clipboard image via context menu of the "Choose File" button

If your website doesn't support clipboard api and doesn't offer any place for you to do a Ctrl+V pasting, Slimjet still offers a way for you to upload clipboard image quickly. If the uploading interface has an explicit "Choose File" button available, you can right click on the button and select "Upload clipboard image" from the context menu. The clipboard image will be saved to a temporary file and the file path will be automatically populated into the file upload control.

upload clipboard image


Upload clipboard image via the file choosing dialog

Some web sites don't have an explicit "Choose File" button, e.g., if they use flash control to do file uploading. In this case, click whatever link or other button to bring up the file choosing dialog. If you have image already in clipboard, you should see a button named "Upload clipboard image" at the bottom of the dialog as shown below,

upload image from clipboard

Just click the "Upload clipboard image" button to automatically save the clipboard image to a temporary file and pass it to the underlying file upload control.



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