Say No to Tracking with Slimjet Web Browser
Tired of being spied upon all the time by the greedy online businesses? You might have visited a particular website one day. However, when you visit a completely unrelated website the next day, you will be suprised to find that the Google ads on that site are so much accurately related to the page that you visited on the other day. No only does Google know which domain you have been to, they also know which particular product you have browsed. Obviously you are being tracked all the time by Google or Facebook where you go via all the third-party javascripts, cookies and http referrer information. As is well know, Chrome, IE and firefox all offer an option to send a "Do Not Track" request to the servers being visited. Unfortunately, the "Do Not Track" request is not honored by most advertising companies, including the omnipresent Google. If you are not comfortable with being tracked and spied upon like many of other people, Slimjet puts your mind at ease by providing many advanced and flexible anti-tracking options to prevent such tracking behaviors and better protect your privacy.
1. Block cross-domain HTTP referrer
When you navigate from a web page to another, the web server of the destination web page receives the URL of the original web page as the "referrer". This will tell the destination web server which web site you visited before coming to the destination page. When this option is turned on, no referrer information will be sent when the source web page and the destination web page comes from different domains.
Navigation activities between web pages within the same domain are not affected since many web pages check for same-site referring url to avoid being spammed. The web server knows all your browsing trace on this particular server anyway from the server log.
2. Block social network javascript on third-party websites
When this option is turned on, most social network javascript (from Facebook, Twitter, Google+) used on third-party websites will be blocked. The social networking sharing widgets/buttons ("Share", "Recommend", "Like", "Follow", "+1", etc) will not be visible on third-party website as a result. If these scripts are not blocked, companies like Facebook will know what websites you have visited. When you are back on Facebook website, Facebook will send you targeted ads based on the websites you have visited.
3. Block Google ads on third-party websites
Many third-party web sites show Google ads using Google's adsense technology. When you visit such web sites and view the ads served by Google, Google automatically knows you have visited these web sites by associating your browsing activity with your IP address. Google will use these information to send you highly-targeted ads when you browse other web sites. That's how you get tracked even if you are not using Google as a search engine. Turning on this option will block all the Google's ads on third-party websites and prevent Google from knowing your browsing activities.
4. Replace indirect link in search engine results with direct link to original site
Some search engines (most notably Google) use indirect links in their search results instead of direct links to the original web sites. Whenever you click on any of the search result, your clicking activity associated with your IP address and other browsing identifications will be recorded by their server. When this option is turned on, the indirect link will be replaced with the direct link to the original web site when you click on a search result. It prevents you from being tracked by the search engine companies and speeds up the navigation by eliminating unnecessary indirection.