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Can't Download Tabbed File & Never Verified As Member

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:21 am
by Ned Radd
Slimjet is great, but that Does not make it perfect. I's just better than the rest.

Here are some encountered issues

(1) I can open a pdf document in a Tab, and I am asked to download it in a document viewer that does actual scaling to get the right dimensions. but there is no download or save file option in Slimjet for an opened tab. I could save it as a bookmark, but that would only open it in another tab or window if used. Vicious cycle. I tried backing up to the folder that contains the file, but I am forbidden access to it. Thoughtless on their end of course, but that can happen. Here is the linked pdf file I want to get:

(2) I began to file this bug or lack in Slimjet using the Online Feedback as I normally do, but I never get any response there, no suggested alternatives, nothing,=. So Idecided maybe the forum would open more avenues and would not leave it in a dead end box like the online feedback method seems to be now. At least this would invite discussion from other dorum members. So that is a problem now that Online Feedback has become a one way door to nowhere from the submitter's end.

(3) Tried to log in online, but have no memoty of password used. Asked to get password reset, and I am not activated yet, Tried to reregister my username and email, and I am in the system already, No way to ask to be deleted so that I can re-register, no way to get activated now offered either, so had to register under a new name. That first account is now a dead link in your database. You need to allow reactivation of dormant accounts when this happens or remove non-activated accounts after the activation period expires.

(4) You need to do more when it comes to downloading folders and files from a web site. You allow wild cards, but no view of what folders or files that are there. If I learn enough by other means to know enough to structure a proper query, you flood a box with matches, but it is a small box and hard tp screen through, and you don't give particulars like how many folders and files are picked or the amount of disk space that would be needed to hold them all, or verify there is enough free drive space on the download drive to hold them all. I would have to describe this feature as very primitive. It's more than other browsers offer, but it is like being shacked to a wild tiger when it breaks loose.

(5) You offer blocks of scales rather than graduated scaling. I understand the difficulty of handling digital content that is in pixel form and graduating it over a surface, but maybe there is a way to do it. I don;t know what it would be, but it might be worth checking out. Visually we do it by using analog approaches such as moving closer to backing away or using magnifying lens, and from the math side you move to vectored lines in place of precisely placed colored pixels on a XY coordinated system.

The conversion effort and time to go from pixels to vectors is likely horrendous if left solely to the software to do, but perhaps a layered approach where the user identifies line points and line shapes as a series of pull lines to create a close approximation of the digital image underneath would work. The software would then have a guide to follow in recovering the sought shape by tweaks to the layered lines to bring them closer to the contrasted pixel points in the original image. By contrasted, I mean the original image may have to be reduced to a series of grey scales or even just black and white to make edges and end points pronounced enough for the software to handle it as intended.

My thought is that Slimjet does not have to go in this direction, but could investigate if there currently exists such software and how could it link to it. Or maybe my thoughts on the subject will have some real math experts see something new worth trying and developing on their own. I can even see where things like facial features can be reduced to a series of math expressions with relative plot points along curves and arcs, not too far removed from viewing stars and planets in their orbits from different distances and angles.

Just some speculation. But since I am off topic anyway, let me add this which as effected me personally and may be useful for others to know: Search for PI carried to a million places using your choice of search engines and see which one gives you the best result. Try another search, but this time search for the constant e instead. The latter search is not conclusinve, but i suspect thatsince it narrows so quickly in terms of its limit, no one ever saw it was useful to go very far beyond a certain point. Maybe there is a better explanation at hand.

Then search for anything you like that includes negations, such as "color ink printer -laser -mono -matrix x1200 $50-$135 -bulk -pack (price | sale | special)". Look into the advanced search features for each search engine and try some of them to see if you can refine your search results further. Try your search without the negated terms and see if having them or not having them makes much of a difference in your results

If you want to get a really decent deal on eyeglasses, search on something like "measuring pupil distance". This takes you places where you quickly learn to shop for glasses on-line, and some of those places offer great to fabulous deals. But getting a needed eye exam for vision correction would still be a problem. That takes a visit to an eye doctor.

I even used a search today to identify the best replacement for a 100-watt ncandescent light bulb and the price I can get such bulbs for from online sources. It took about 10 minutes. I even git a quick review of the law that resulted in a phase-out of such bulbs. You pay more up front for the replacements, but you more than make up for it in later savings.

Without internet access, a really capable search engine, and a great browser like Slimjet to work with, this kind of enhanced shopping and learning with quick results would be impossible. Now the most important learning and personal growth method is centered round the world or knowledge that the Internet provides, the Search Engine to root out and index that information routinely, and your ability to converse with that search engine via your internet access and the use of an friendly and feature-rich web browser.

Classroom-based learning is generally broken down as involving:
classes -- organized well in advance and in accord with established guidelines set by others,
teachers -- representing a single undesputed source of information that may not be infalllable
degrees -- designed to meet known fiields of study, not emerging fields that evolve constantly
pace of study -- designed to fit with having as many pass as possible, not to maximize each person's potential
lack of focus -- course material is generalized to fit educational goals, not to train people to specific needs
satisfy easy to test and grade objectives -- if life consisted of a series of question where the correct answer is
either a,, b., c., or d. and there is always just one right answer, then many students might do
well on their own. But that is not how life comes. We used to argue that there should be two
more possible answers included, e. and f., which would be:
e. all of the above
f. none of the above

With 6 possible choices rather than just 4, there would be less chance of accidentally getting it right. But why not give several possible choices, no specific number, and the students get graded on each one that is correctly picked as
being a right answer to the specific question asked? Well, a reason they won't ever do this is because more people
will fail tests, and the educational system is plagued throughout with the perveived need to get as many students passed as humanly possible. Any change of this narure would expose how miserable a job they were really doing.

I tried to salvage my youngest son's education when he was failing every course except his physical education class. I put him in a trade school to learn auto mechanics. At least he should be able to get a job in the future. It motivated
him to ask if he could enter a nursing program instead, because he had volunteered for hospital work in the past and
decided he wanted to work up to become a doctor. I knew that wasn't going to happen,but if he wanted to be helping others instead of working on cars, that would be fine by me. He did well at it and became a Registered Nurse.

That would not have happened otherwise, but my son had to see for himself that the future could be what he wanted it to be if he would work at it. When I pulled him from school, the Vice President tried to justify keeping him him there saying that if I pulled him out, he would lose his chance to learn. That he might be failing but he was at least learning something. I didn't buy it then, and I don't buy it now.

People just need to learn that if it interests them, learning might be what they want to do. But this is something each person has to find on their own, and that might mean going ahead and learning on their own as well. So teach them that much, make them more aware of what computers are good at, and let them take it from there.

To bring it all together under one umbrella, I have narrowed my own PC tools down to Linux + Slimjet + one or more Search engines, and you should be able to determine the most likely primary search engine that I use now. I use others when I identify something they are better at for one reason or another.


This is an unexpected benefit of having posted this thread: I right-clicked on the pdf link I had placed in the post above, and had the option to download it. So I did. Slimjet still opened it to the wrong scale, but gimp got it right. The credit card matched the displayed card as to size perfectly. But that is another strike against Slimjet, that I had no way to get it to display ther image true to scale. At least it can be worked around.

Slimjet also had a host of problems managing this link, which discusses it's way of getting the distance between the center of the pupils of your eyes: I actually had to adjust the xoom up and down to get a box to come up and show me the current zoom level. But the uncertainty was, how many oixels were being displayed per inch pf height and inch of width? I had no way of knowing. There was no valid scale on the page to actually measure across as the other page had provided. The number of pixels is fixed by the monitor design, so varies from one to another.

The numberof pixels used on the monitor face used can be adjusted in settings to something smalle, if the monitor is digital in nature, or to appear somewhat larger or smaller by adjusting voltages used to drive the ekectron guns in an analog monitor. But analog monitors are going away. Inside of either, pixels up and down or side to side remain the same They just aren't precise on an analog monitor's screen.

The zoom feature artificially remaps the pixels of an image over the monitor's actual pixels to make smaller pictures appear larger or larger pictures appear smaller. All well and good. But aside from the pixel matrix of the monitor, you may be dealing with the pixel density of a scanner or a printer. So how can you be sure that an image is correct in scale for all three? I'm not sure. I suppose you could just work from the file and expect that the software you use always gets it right. Or play with different packages to see which ones get it right if you have a means to judge the number of pixels called for or the distance to be covered, as I did with gimp and the use of a credit card.

For pixel counts instead, you may try using a mono-spaced font and count the characters in a row while knowing the size font used. To go vertically, you need to know how many pixels are involved when a line feed character is used. By printing a t lwast one characteron each linw, you can approximate the number of pixels in white space beteen the bottom of one row and the top of the next.

Printers and scanners can be tricky. They may have variable speeds scanning side to side and even moving top to bottom. The slower the movements, the closer the points where they stop to either scan or print. However, these variances are precisely controlled by software settings which interpret the results as dots or pixels per inch. Thus, you apparently have a way of specifying pixels per inch by control of these settings as you specify a setting like fast/draft, normal/standard, or best/photo. But the printer software then confers magical powers on the printout so that regardless of mode selected, the only apparent difference is the amount of ink used. The imagrs should be the same size, or close to it. But does that size reflect the intended size or not? one would have to verify this by testing I suppose.

The interesting thing about the scanners and printers is their adherance to distance rather than pixels. A part of this is based on standard size papers. where they conform to standard sizes. Since monitors vary in dimensions, the goal there is to display the same essential image despite physical measurements or dot density, so it is a different approach altogether. When you move down to handhelds, the dot density and viewable area are too small to use to display a normal image as intended dor monitors of about 10" diagonal or larger, so new resolutions for those smaller screens was needed. Several methods of adressing were then tried, from onlu seeing a portion of a larger picture and scrolling about to alternate documents on web sites that were stripped down to give these machines an equal text experience by reducing the number of images involved.

A feature found in Firefox is that you can eradicate the image elements and focus on embedded text if you want. It can actually be useful at times. I don;t have anything below a laptop, so I don't have first hand knowledge of web surfing with one or what is seen on the screen, or what sites are commonly visited.

Re: Can't Download Tabbed File & Never Verified As Member

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:54 am
by josegimcam
On regards to (1), go to link, then with mouse go up to the page, and there are the download, print and zoom options. See attached jpg.