Next problem detected: printing no longer possible across chromium based browsers

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Next problem detected: printing no longer possible across chromium based browsers

Post by nima_amin »

This seems to be a Chromium problem as I also detected it in Edge (installed system standard browser) the other day when I tried to print an article from a website. Then I thought it's a problem of the website, but today it occurred in Slimjet (portable) as well with another website (this time it was an an article from NZZ). The printing dialogue is entirely grey and it says "Druckvorschau fehlgeschlagen" (print preview failed?). So right now the only way to save something from the browser is making a rolled full page screenshot with the help of an add-on such as FireShot or Go Full Page.

Does anybody here have an idea what might cause this? Seems to be another new Windows / Chromium incompatibility. Writing this, I have not yet tried with Pale Moon and Firefox / Libre Wolf / Slimbrowser whether printing from web there might work. Anyway always having to switch browsers is not really convenient.

Edit: I just tried to print the article from NZZ ... ld.1355210 with current Edge and and an old version of Libre Wolf portable (109) - no problem with both, so it seems to be an issue of Slimjet or the Chromium version on which the current Slimjet is built (as it used to work with earlier version of SJ).

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Re: Next problem detected: printing no longer possible across chromium based browsers

Post by oftentired »

I will suggest a work-a-round that I've not tested but I would try if I had this issue. I don't have this issues as I never print directly to a printer from this computer and I can't test it as my printer is inoperative.

However, I suggest print to PDF as a work-a-round. Then print the PDF to your printer. Annoying but it should work IMO.

If you do not have a Print to PDF available as a print option choice. You may need to turn on or reset the Microsoft Print to PDF feature. Here are instructions to reset it or just to turn it on as may be applicable.

• Press Windows key + R and type appwiz.cpl then hit enter
• On the left pane, click the link to "Turn Windows Features on or off"
• You may have to say Yes to pass by the User Account Control protection screen

• In the Windows Features dialog box look for the Microsoft Print to PDF and if already ticked, untick it then hit OK
• After that, open appwiz.cpl again and tick the box next to "Microsoft Print to PDF" and hit OK
• Tick the box to turn on the Microsoft Print to PDF feature if it is was not on at all and hit OK

• Restart your computer
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Re: Next problem detected: printing no longer possible across chromium based browsers

Post by nima_amin »

Thanks, but actually I usually do "print as PDF" - and it does not work, neither with Adobe Acrobat, nor with PDF Creator, nor with MS Print-to-PDF, the print preview dialogue is greyed out. It seems to be an issue of Chromium 125 (which Slimjet skipped) and 126, so obviously we need to wait for a Slimjet update and keep fingers crossed that that doesn't cause a new crashing issue then.

127, too, as I have just seen in a version of Brave based on this, and still seem to persist through 130:

MS Edge based on 131 currently works.

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Re: Next problem detected: printing no longer possible across chromium based browsers

Post by banzaipp »

With last version (, print is grayed for me in "blank" preview !

Print is impossible (print as pdf not work too)

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Re: Next problem detected: printing no longer possible across chromium based browsers

Post by nima_amin »

Google has announced the problem should be solved with version 132. So we have to wait some more time until Slimjet migratres to version 132 and use Edge for printing. ... 2561271803

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