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New Tab is blank white after setting image link to one of the redirect boxes

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 11:34 am
by Herfdiug
Basically I wanted to make my new tab page completely blank and dark, I tried making it blank but turns out my Dark Mode extension doesn't make the about:blank page dark so I changed it back to being the New Tab page. For me the New Tab page is dark but the boxes in the middle aren't so I tried searching for a dark image from google and copied the image link from there, when I pasted the link into one of the boxes it starts to load the loading animation and then crashed after a few seconds, when I booted it up my tabs were all gone but I was able to restore it, and from them on the New Tab page is similar to the about:blank page, completely white and empty. I have tried rebooting the app a few times but the problem still persist, although the Home page option is still working. I wanted to fix this because my eyes kind of hurt whenever I open a new tab, I would really appreciate help, thanks.

Edit : I have also tried turning off every extensions and it still didn't fix the problem! <-- Example photo