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"Search Tabs" tool bug

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 8:54 pm
by willburr555
In the past, when I searched with the "Search Tabs" tool for a tab that exists and is open in a different window of Slimjet, the tab used to come up in the "Open Tabs" list.  Now it doesn't.  It instead appears in the "Recently Closed" list.  Therefore, I can't go to that tab automatically, by clicking on it.
This is not a Chrome issue.  I just tested this process in Chrome, and it's "Search Tabs" tool works correctly when searching for a tab in another Chrome window, and automatically going to it.
Please let me know if there is a setting I need to change, how to fix it, or if this is a known issue FlashPeak is working on.

In this example (I hope you can see the screenshot), there are 2 tabs open in other windows, but neither one shows up at all in the results lists.

Please Note The Image Does Not Exist