Is there a way to open bookmarks in a new tab by default?

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Is there a way to open bookmarks in a new tab by default?

Post by archblue »

I’ve been using Slimjet for a while and really enjoy its features. However, I’m wondering if there’s a way to set bookmarks to open in a new tab by default. Currently, when I click on a bookmark, it opens in the same tab, and I have to manually right-click and select "Open in new tab" (or hold down the Ctrl key while clicking) each time.

If anyone knows of a setting, extension, or workaround to achieve this, I’d greatly appreciate your help! Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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Re: Is there a way to open bookmarks in a new tab by default?

Post by oftentired »

Unfortunately there is no setting that leads to a one click opening of a bookmark in a new tab in the foreground.

Here are a few things that can be done

results in the bookmark opening as a new tab in the background:
• Right Click the bookmark and select Open in new tab
• Ctrl + left click the bookmark
• Middle Click the bookmark

Holding down Alt key and then doing any of the above will result in opening the bookmark in a new tab in the foreground as the active tab.

However, for my ergonomic setup I'm not comfortable fumbling for the Alt key to get a bookmark opened in the foreground as the active tab. When I am already actively surfing and want to use a bookmark in new tab opened to the foreground I open a tab and then left click the bookmark which opens it in that new tab I just opened.

To facilitate this I have every possible non-bookmark tab in settings opening by default to "New Tab" as that is typically the fastest possible start-to-finish opening for any tab. Doing this the plus side for me is that the "New Tab" page has the grid of Tab Page links which I frequently make use of instead of the traditional bookmarks.

And when I say "New Tab" I'm specifically talking about this page, chrome://newtab/
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