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[REQUEST] Theme manager

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:55 am
by avada000

The handling of themes inherited from google is a joke. You can have only one, the others are removed. You have to go back to the webstore to re-install one that you liked, if it's still there. You can only compare themes if you have a bunch of webstore tabs open. No way to install offline. Etc, etc...

So, a theme manager that doesn't suck would be nice. Which would show/store the themes you installed, and would allow you to change it to another easily.

Re: [REQUEST] Theme manager

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 5:41 am
by RBTB2605
It does seem like one of those stupid things that the Chrome developers are probably stubbornly refusing to do. A theme manager is a good idea for sure.

This is one thing that Firefox has and does better for sure. If you get a theme from here : , then you can switch back and forth to any of your themes in the "Appearance" section in the Add-ons Manager in the browser.

Re: [REQUEST] Theme manager

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:50 am
by dietchrome
Indeed they should. What's the point of installing (using the term loosely, as a better one doesn't come to mind) more themes from the Chrome Web Store if you have no way to easily switch between them.

For instance, in my Linux version, I'm stuck with "Switch to Classic Theme" or "Change to GTK+ Theme" and the ubiquitous "Get More Themes."

Maybe the Chrome folks should consult a non-developer type, preferably from the Baby Boomer or Generation X demographics, to put the proverbial fire under their butts to do just this one thing.