New Tab Group feature

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New Tab Group feature

Post by flobou5783 »

I just upgraded to 27 and I tried using the tab group feature; I'm not sure I really understand it, though.

I see I can add tabs to a group (new or existing), and this displays a new fake tab on the left with custom color and title, and the color also underlines all the tabs in the group so that it's easier to find a tab or to understand what the tab is about (just from its group name and color).

The group can also be undone or moved to a new window.

Is that all? Am I missing something?
I do not see any group control feature in the Slimjet menu or anywhere else than a right-click on a tab or a click on the group.

What would be REALLY helpful for me would be to be able to collapse a group (just keep its title tab but close its contained tabs), or even to close it and reopen it later, from the main menu or a right-click on the tab/toolbar.
Is this already possible? Or is it a planned feature?

Thanks for this great browser!

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Re: New Tab Group feature

Post by Passenger »

I've been fiddling with it myself. I seem to recall a Firefox add on that did similar.

It doesn't look particularly useful to me, but that might just be the way I use the browser.

Anyone here ever use this feature (on some other browser)?
How do you use it?

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Re: New Tab Group feature

Post by oftentired »

I can see where it would be helpful if your going back and forth between tabs and have some of the tabs associated with research that the origin tab initiated. I also allows you to close that group no matter where they are located in relation to other tabs. That last feature alone could prove to be very useful if your getting a lot of windows open and then go through and close some of them you no longer need. So if you group them you can just close the group. The trick then is to know in advance how you browse and which need to be grouped etc...
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Re: New Tab Group feature

Post by flobou5783 »

Ok thanks, I see.
Well, if you implement the collapse or close-and-store tab groups (to be able to reopen them on-demand), I'd be very happy.
(I just made a donation btw *hint*nudge*wink*)

My usage might be quite extreme; I have an average of over 100 (one hundred) open tabs, which is a mix of current ToDos (work, personal, music, projects, etc.) and regular tabs I use almost everyday.
Right now I have 129 open tabs.
I keep them open all the time and I kinda know where to click to get one, but only about 100 display at a time; the last 20-30 are hidden and I cannot access them directly other than using the List Of Tabs button or clicking the first tab then Shift+Tab key a few times (when I know it's on the right).

This might seem messy or inefficient for most people, but my brain has a lot of "RAM" and I need to manage so many things at once that I really need all this easy access.
Being able to collapse Tab Groups would be soooooo nice for me as it would save a lot of space, allowing for newest/rightmost tabs to be visible, and also help me keep track of tabs more easily and quickly.

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Re: New Tab Group feature

Post by flobou5783 »

Wow, I just noticed that Tab Groups are now collapsible, simply by clicking on the group header! That's great.
Since when has this been available?
I noticed it because I had a Chrome popup showing that this is now available in Chrome too.

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